On Wednesday 22nd June our Stage 4 students were fortunate enough to have AFL NSW coaches onsite during Inflame to teach them some skills in how to play the game of AFL. From skilful kicking, to speedy running, speccy marks and awesome drills, our students got a feel as to why AFL is a game that rewards commitment, fitness, and achievement.
This initiative is offered through Sporting Schools Australia. Sporting Schools is a government initiative designed to help schools increase children’s participation in sport and connect them with community sport opportunities. The program has been provided free to our students to help build the confidence and capability to be active for life and is targeted to Year 7 and 8 students in secondary schools. Thank you Sporting Schools and AFL NSW for this opportunity.
Friday afternoon over 100 young people, teachers, Youth Ministers, and parents gathered at MacKillop for the official launch of Connecting Catholic Coasties (CCC). We were also blessed with the presence of Sr Josie, Sr Gigi and Fr Greg from St Patrick’s parish.
Connecting Catholic Coasties is an evangelisation initiative for young people on the Central Coast. The Youth Ministers of St Brigid’s Lake Munmorah, MacKillop Warnervale, St Peter’s Tuggerah, St Joseph’s East Gosford and the connecting parish of St Patrick’s wanted to collaborate to provide more opportunities for faith formation, friendship and fun and CCC was born.
The Mackillop Youth Ministry students did a great job at hosting they also ran a BBQ, games, music, and testimonies. The students listened to the Youth Ministers who introduced Connecting Catholic Coasties and worked in groups to come up with ideas of what they would like to see and do at CCC events. There was also a sand ceremony where a representative from each high school and linking parish poured their coloured sand into a jar as a symbol of unity. This jar will travel to each CCC event.
Please pray for us as we continue to grow and develop and we cannot wait for the next CCC event, which is a Youth Night at St Patrick’s on the 24th July, followed by St Brigid’s in Term 3!!
Monday 30 May, VET (Vocational Education and Training) Entertainment students attended JMC Academy for an industry day. Students participated in the facilitation of a live performance from university students that incorporated audio, lighting and vision aspects in an industry context. Thank you to JMC Academy for hosting St Brigid’s!
Congratulations Chloe, Bridget and Sophie who have progressed through to the Grand Final of Sharp Short play Festival for their original play, ‘The Life Lottery’. The Heat was held at Parramatta Riverside Theatres last night, competition was tough with eight schools performing highly creative, engaging plays. Only one play from last night’s heat was selected to move through to the Grand Final.
We are so proud of your efforts and look forward to supporting you at The Grand Final on Saturday, 25th June!
If you would like to purchase tickets to attend the event, please use this link
“There were a few zesty moments during our ‘Magnify Ministry’ Youth Group session this week; “When Life Gives You Lemons…Make Lemonade.” (Yes, the ice-breaker activity speaks for itself.)
We had some courageous student judges, Tom M, Jack M and Holly R, take the stage and assess a range of sweet and tangy lemonade creations. We also had some beautiful vocal performances by our secret Year 9 stars: Elly A, Bella F and Jacinta C who sang with such soul and confidence with the support of Mr Walker and Mr Hoolihan.
This week’s theme was aimed at encouraging us to see our hardships through a different lens. Choosing to see lemonade, instead of sour lemons. Choosing to see things from Jesus’ point of view. Choosing to see the love that God has for us that can’t be stopped. Our YM leaders, Cooper S and Bailey M, shined a light on this during their ‘Magnify the Moment’ address:
“Life hands us lemons and Jesus says to just keep your eyes on Him and watch what He does.
Does it mean that everything is “poof… perfect!”? You just magically get the grade on the test that you wanted… or you make the team?
Not necessarily, but what He does promise us is that if we look above the things of this life, and look to Jesus, that we see things differently. Jesus came into a world filled with darkness and death and despair and turned things upside down. And that is why we, as God’s people, are the ones that have hope even in the darkest times.
When the world sees chaos, we see peace. When parts of our world lose hope, we find joy. When the world throws lemons, we make lemonade.”
This term, the launch of our ‘Magnify Ministry’ Youth Group has provided many things for our St Brigid’s community; It has provided a lively yet safe space for students to come together and explore their faith while cultivating genuine friendships. It has also provided a platform for many students to step up and get involved in numerous areas- including music, entertainment/sound & lighting set up, youth ministry programming and collaborating, game facilitating and public speaking. We are so proud to see many students take up a role or responsibility in Youth Ministry this term with such pride, and we welcome many more to join us in continuing to strengthen our YM community each Thursday during Break 2 in LP6.
Whether you want to come along and simply enjoy the atmosphere, or whether there is a skill or area you are passionate about that could contribute to developing our ‘Magnify Ministry’ further, please come along and share with us your gifts, ministries and talents.”
– Chelsea Hokin
Youth Ministry Coordinator
The LP4 space has always shared a wall in a classroom with the Table Saw room and the noise would travel straight through the roller door. The Y12 Construction class needed to complete a Wall frame as part of their Competencies, they decided to take over the project. The 5 Year 12 students had to take on the role of a carpenter and measure\quote for the project. They sourced their supplies from Carrols Timbers, placed the order and when the materials arrived they met the truck and stored the materials safely on the site.
Students constructed the wall in the workshop, moved it into place Fixed it to the existing structure with 1-2mm gap and then sheeted the wall, fixing it with architraves.
Well Done!