

Don’t miss Groovin the Green – April 4

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Join Us for Groovin the Green 2025!  This year, Groovin the Green will be held on April 4.

Groovin the Green is an annual community event with a fun fair-like feel, involving both St Brendan’s and St Brigid’s, on Carters Road, Lake Munmorah.

There will be:

  • Food trucks and stalls
  • Shopping and market stalls
  • Entertainment for the whole family
  • Live music
  • Carnival games & activities

This event is open to the community, so bring along family and friends! The event will be held at the St Brigid’s Catholic College Campus from 3.00pm to 7.00pm.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Combined Family Mass

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On 17 November 2024, we had a wonderful time at our Combined Family Mass for Term 4! Families from St Brigid’s and St Mary’s came together on the St Mary’s school oval for an exciting game of community cricket. It was fantastic to see our Priests, students, parents, and staff all having a go at batting and bowling. We captured some great action shots from this family-friendly event!

After the cricket match, we moved to the church for refreshments and then celebrated Mass. Our student leaders did a beautiful job reading the Word of the Lord, and our choir was amazing. Special shoutout to the two St Brigid’s students who served as altar servers, guiding and supporting two new altar servers from the primary school.

Overall, it was a fantastic community event, and we can’t wait for the next Combined Family Mass in Term 1, 2025! See you there!

Groovin’ the Green 2024 – What an Amazing Day!

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Wow, what a day!

A huge thank you to everyone who joined us for Groovin’ the Green 2024! Your energy and enthusiasm made this event truly unforgettable.

We had an incredible time with fantastic performances from our students. The music was amazing, the food was delicious, and the activities were a hit with all ages.

Thank you to all the volunteers, vendors, and contributors who made this event possible. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Be sure to share your own memories with us using #GroovinTheGreen. We can’t wait to see you all again next year!

Combined School Family Mass

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We are excited to invite you to our next Combined School Family Mass! This special event is a wonderful opportunity for our school community to come together in faith and fellowship.

Date: November 17th – Time: 4.30pm – Location: St Mary’s Church

Please let us know if you can join us by RSVPing here:

We look forward to seeing you and your family there!

Reminder – Groovin the Green – 8 November 2024

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Our annual ‘Groovin the Green’ fete-style event is almost here.

Staff, students, and parent volunteers have been busy planning for it to be even bigger and better than last year, with the introduction of additional food options, show bags, lucky dips, activities for all age groups and more. We will still have local market stalls, food trucks, house games, face painting, a magician show and a petting zoo.

While entry and many activities are free, the house games, show bags, face painting and lucky dips are all purchased through tickets and tokens. The sale of these items goes towards funding this event for this year and years to come.

Click here to purchase your showbags and tokens, which can be collected on the day.

SAVE the DATE- Friday 8th November, 2pm to 6pm

Please share with your family and friends.

Father’s Day Breakfast

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Last week we celebrated the fathers, grandfathers, and father figures who inspire, support, and guide our students every day.  Your love and dedication make a world of difference.  Thank you for being our heroes!

A big thank you to everyone who came along to our Father’s Day Breakfast, what a special morning.

We hope to see you all next year.

St Brigid’s 10 Year Anniversary Dinner

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Last Friday, St Brigid’s Catholic College celebrated their 10 year anniversary at Magenta Shores Golf & Country Club It was an amazing evening, attended by students, staff, alumni, and members of the local community.

The evening began with a heartfelt speech from our Principal, who reflected on the school’s journey over the past decade. Student leaders took a nostalgic trip down memory lane, recalling memorable events that have enriched the educational experience for our students.  A trivia session followed, challenging both staff and alumni!

To conclude the night, student leaders presented gifts of appreciation to our founding Principal, Julie Terry, and current Principal, Adam Murdoch, acknowledging their dedication and hard work over the past decade.

As the guests departed, there was a palpable sense of pride and optimism, a testament to the enduring legacy of the school and its unwavering commitment to excellence and community.

A massive thank you to everyone who could attend, it was a lovely night celebrating with our community.

St Vincent De Paul’s Winter Appeal

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Dear St Brigid’s Community,

Our Social Justice campaign for this term is focused on the St Vincent De Paul’s Winter Appeal. We are asking for students to Bring: blankets, tracksuits (old), jackets, old sleeping bags, and/or Woolworths essential gifts cards that can be spent on groceries.

We will be having an inter-House competition to see who is the House with the most Compassionate Heart. However, the appeal is not for our own benefit, but to help those at St Vincent De Paul’s, who do an amazing job helping those in true need in our community.

Please watch the following video to have a deeper appreciation for the efforts of St Vincent De Paul:

Once again, I thank you all for your caring and kinds hearts and your contributions to our community.

Ashley Sadler

Assistant Principal, Evangelisation and Catechesis

You’re Invited! St Brigid’s 10 Year Anniversary Dinner

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Dear St Brigid’s Community,

In 2024, St Brigid’s is celebrating its 10th Year of ‘Inflaming hearts and minds in Christ’ and we are excited to share an opportunity to commemorate this important anniversary with you!

The College has organised an evening of reflection and celebration at Magenta Shores on Friday 7th June. The tickets for the evening are now available and have been partially subsidised and include canapes and soft drinks.

There are a limited number of tickets available, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

St Brigid’s 10 Year Anniversary Dinner
Date: Friday 7th Jun 2024
Time: 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Pullman Magenta Shores

We sincerely hope you and your family can join us!

St Brigid’s Catholic College

Theatresports Central Coast Heat

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St Brigid’s hosted the Central Coast Heat of Theatresports on Wednesday evening. The event involved schools from all over the Central Coast and Hunter region.

Our students engaged in performance workshops and created some highly entertaining scenes using their exceptional improvisation skills.

Our senior team received 4th place and our Intermediate team received 3rd place and will now progress through to the semi-finals.

Congratulations to both teams. We are so proud of your efforts.