

Family Mass

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You are invited to our Term 2 Family Mass on Sunday May 26th. Join us from 4pm for cricket and games then Mass at 6pm.

This is a fantastic afternoon where you can meet and chat with other families in our community.

This event is suitable for all ages, we cannot wait to see you there!


Road Safety

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Dear St Brigid’s Community,

This is an important reminder that road safety is a shared responsibility. Please discuss this notice with your family.
To increase the safety on Carters Road, we have been advised that the Traffic Police may increase their presence during peak times to enforce adherence to the road rules outside all schools on Carters Road, including no-parking zones.

How can you help?
As the Central Coast’s population increases, schools on Carters Road are experiencing congestion during the peak morning and afternoon periods. This is placing pressure on the surrounding road environments and our neighbours.

Specific to St Brigid’s, we ask parents/carers and families to consider the following:

  1. Have children walk to College or walk from a ‘drop off point’ outside of Carters Road.
  2. Drop off/pick up in designated areas as quickly as possible, while adhering to the 40km/ph speed limit. (Note: The grassed strip across from the College gates is a NO PARKING zone).
  3. Carpool for drop off/pick up where appropriate.
  4. Use pedestrian crossings at all times when moving to the opposite side of Carters Road.

Staff Car Park
All parents/carers are reminded that the Staff Carpark (third gate) is restricted to staff/contractors and deliveries. Families should not be using this space for drop off/pick-ups due to limited space and safety reasons.  

Please find attached information provided by the Central Coast Council.

Thank you for your support.
St Brigid’s Catholic College 



Lest We Forget

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On Anzac Day our College community honoured the spirit of the ANZACs at Doyalson RSL. Together, our students and staff marched with pride, for the men and women that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

We would like to commend our College Captains, Tom and Laura, who represented with their inspiring speeches. They spoke with eloquence and respect. Their words resonated with everyone in attendance, reminding them of the dedication and bravery of those who served.

We are immensely proud of everyone who participated today.

Lest we Forget.

CCC Easter Festival Report

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On Friday, March 22nd, St Brigid’s Youth Ministry hosted the first Combined Catholic Coasties event for 2024. We had 130 students from St Joseph’s, St Peter’s, Mackillop and St Brigid’s join us for the event.

The night followed an established format of Youth Ministry Events up here on the coast. We had a light meal together, followed by live music, games, Drama and Worship. Our focus was on Easter being Holy Week for Christians world-wide. The high was the respect and reverence shown during worship where Father Baby blessed all students and the families for Easter.

A big thank you to the teachers who supported this event, our student leaders who contributed and ran the event, the band, the entertainment crew and all the students and staff from the other three schools.

This event was a wonderful combination of fun, social interaction and spiritual enrichment in a safe environment.


Michael Landrigan

Youth Ministry Coordinator.

Groovin the Green

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Our annual ‘Groovin the Green’ fete-style event is fast approaching, with less than a month to go.

Staff, students, and parent volunteers have been busy planning for it to be even bigger and better than last year, with the introduction of additional food options, show bags, lucky dips, activities for all age groups and more. We will still have local market stalls, food trucks, house games, face painting, a magician show and a petting zoo.

While entry and many activities are free, the house games, show bags, face painting and lucky dips are all purchased through tickets and tokens. The sale of these items goes towards funding this event for this year and years to come.

What can you do now?

SAVE the DATE- Friday 5th April, 3pm to 7pm

PRE-PURCHASE TOKENS & SHOW BAGS- New this year, available online now- BOOK HERE.

Do you have a stall or something you would like to sell/showcase at the event? We have a few spots remaining. Submit your EOI- HERE.

Please share with your friends.

We look forward to bringing you further updates.

St Brigid’s and St Brendan’s Combined Family Mass

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We invite you to join us for our first combined family Mass for 2024 which will be held on Saturday 16 March 2024.

This is a wonderful opportunity to connect and celebrate the shared values of our two school communities.

Before Mass, join us for a friendly game of cricket. Our Parish Priests enjoy a little bit of healthy competition and are excited to play alongside our students and families of all abilities.

Light refreshments will also be available, so you can mingle and make new friends with our combined school community.

Be sure to mark your calendars: Saturday, March 16th at St Brendan’s Church, Lake Munmorah.

Please RSVP here.

College Swimming Carnival

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Our whole College community carnivals can be such exciting events, full of energy and competitive spirit and our 2024 swimming carnival was a great way to start 2024 off with the first of many College events.

The atmosphere at Swansea Swim Centre was next level among our students, staff, and Parents.

It’s such a pleasure to see laughter, smiles and our students enjoying themselves alongside their peers and teachers.

Well done to Walker house on being over all winners for 2024, congratulations Walker House.  A well deserving congratulations to all our winners on the day and age champions for 2024.

Best of luck to those students traveling to Homebush next week for Broken Bay carnival.

Road Safety around Schools

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Dear St Brigid Community,

Road Safety is a shared responsibility- how you can help.

As the Central Coast’s population increases, schools on Carters Road are experiencing congestion during the peak morning and afternoon periods. This is placing pressure on the surrounding road environments and our neighbours.

Please find attached information provided by the Central Coast Council.

Specific to St Brigid’s, we ask parents/carers and families to consider the following:

  1. Have children walk to College or walk from a ‘drop off point’ outside of Carters Road.
  2. Drop off/pick up in designated areas as quickly as possible.
  3. Carpool for drop off/pick up where appropriate.

Staff Car Park

All parents/carers are reminded that the Staff Carpark (Third gate) is restricted to staff/contractors and deliveries. Families should not be using this space for drop off/pick-ups due to limited space and safety reasons.

Thank you.