

College Open Day 2024

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On 12 March our College welcomed prospective families and students for Open Day 2024.

We would like to extend our gratitude to the wonderful cohort of students and staff that represented the College today!  You are amazing ambassadors of the core values of St Brigid’s.

Families were guided through the campus by our very accommodating student leaders, who happily answered questions about the College.  Our hospitality students and teachers provided amazing food and coffee, and our talented performers showcased their talent!

To our friendly admin staff who welcomed families at the gate, students, and College staff, your participation did not go unnoticed, and we have received numerous compliments from our visitors.

Open Day is more than just an event, it is an opportunity to showcase our wonderful College community.

To our future students, we look forward to seeing you at our Taster Day in April and we thank you for joining us today.

On Stage 2024

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Stage 5 and 6 Drama students attended Onstage earlier this term.  Onstage is selection of exemplary drama projects created by 2023 HSC students.

Our Drama students left inspired to create their own dramatic works this year.

The Importance of Routines

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A couple of weeks ago at the Year 11 Information evening I spoke to families about the importance of forming good routines and study habits to support student success and wellbeing. This doesn’t just apply to our Year 11 and 12 students it applies to all year groups as they journey through the school years. Research shows that routines support young people with their confidence, self-regulation skills and are part of the building blocks to positive mental health. Young people who learn to do this well are better able to adapt to everyday challenges, stressors, and new expectations and experiences. These habits are often built at first in the home but have an important place in schools and the classroom. 

Homework and Assessment 

As students move through the terms the amount of homework, assessment tasks and preparation for exams increases. So having good routines at school and home helps students to move through these more stressful periods with ease. We have outlined on page 40 of the Parent Handbook the hours that students could be doing per day. These times help to guide students and help them to understand the importance of the time at home that they dedicated to schoolwork. 

Parent Handbook

Classroom routines and structures 

Classroom environments that enable students to engage and focus on the lesson content are foundational for learning success. Rules and routines support both the students and teachers in being ready to engage and facilitate their learning. We value both these things at the College and in every classroom and learning space. 

Rules and Routines 

A rule is usually a short instruction for conduct or action that everyone is expected to know, follow and refer to regularly. These are implemented by the teacher and are an expectation that is required of the students.  

Routines are sequences of recurring tasks or actions used to guide student learning and success.                  

(AERO, 2024)  

Our College Lesson routines and structures: 

  • Explicit Instruction: Provides all students with explicit instructions on what is required from the lesson including learning intentions and success criteria. This can include asking the students what they need to do, posing questions, and encouraging students to participate rather than be passive. Students should be able to walk away from this and know what they need to do or be in a place to ask more questions to support their learning.  
  • Independent or Group Practice: Students can now engage with the learning and showcase what they know through a range of learning strategies to meet the requirements of the course, the engagement of the class and extend their thinking.
  • Reflection/Share: This routine could ask students to provide evidence of their learning whether it be as an individual, group, or pair strategy. It could be to showcase excellent work that all students could learn from for subsequent lessons.

 Why are the rules and routines important? 

  • Students are more able to demonstrate what is expected of them.
  • Ensure students know their teachers’ expectations during the learning process and therefore can be active participants.
  • Clear routines and rules will help students achieve their goals.  
  • Predictability and safety in a learning environment that includes routines contributes to positive relationships and learning success. 

Furthermore, routines at home will: 

  • Teach organisation skills and time management.
  • Foster independence and teach the importance of structure.
  • Build confidence and successful experiences.
  • Establish good routines that can set them up for life.

Next week we hold the first of the two parent/teacher conferences via zoom. These conferences are foundational to building the connection between student learning, engagement, and support both here at school and at home. These evenings provide the opportunity for teachers to share the routines, structures, upcoming assessment, a reflection of the strength and areas for improvement. It further provides parents the opportunity to ask questions that will support and help you and your child through their learning. You can find the information for these two evenings on Compass. 


Mrs Alex Walters

Assistant Principal, Student Achievement

Groovin the Green

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Our annual ‘Groovin the Green’ fete-style event is fast approaching, with less than a month to go.

Staff, students, and parent volunteers have been busy planning for it to be even bigger and better than last year, with the introduction of additional food options, show bags, lucky dips, activities for all age groups and more. We will still have local market stalls, food trucks, house games, face painting, a magician show and a petting zoo.

While entry and many activities are free, the house games, show bags, face painting and lucky dips are all purchased through tickets and tokens. The sale of these items goes towards funding this event for this year and years to come.

What can you do now?

SAVE the DATE- Friday 5th April, 3pm to 7pm

PRE-PURCHASE TOKENS & SHOW BAGS- New this year, available online now- BOOK HERE.

Do you have a stall or something you would like to sell/showcase at the event? We have a few spots remaining. Submit your EOI- HERE.

Please share with your friends.

We look forward to bringing you further updates.

St Brigid’s and St Brendan’s Combined Family Mass

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We invite you to join us for our first combined family Mass for 2024 which will be held on Saturday 16 March 2024.

This is a wonderful opportunity to connect and celebrate the shared values of our two school communities.

Before Mass, join us for a friendly game of cricket. Our Parish Priests enjoy a little bit of healthy competition and are excited to play alongside our students and families of all abilities.

Light refreshments will also be available, so you can mingle and make new friends with our combined school community.

Be sure to mark your calendars: Saturday, March 16th at St Brendan’s Church, Lake Munmorah.

Please RSVP here.

College Swimming Carnival

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Our whole College community carnivals can be such exciting events, full of energy and competitive spirit and our 2024 swimming carnival was a great way to start 2024 off with the first of many College events.

The atmosphere at Swansea Swim Centre was next level among our students, staff, and Parents.

It’s such a pleasure to see laughter, smiles and our students enjoying themselves alongside their peers and teachers.

Well done to Walker house on being over all winners for 2024, congratulations Walker House.  A well deserving congratulations to all our winners on the day and age champions for 2024.

Best of luck to those students traveling to Homebush next week for Broken Bay carnival.

Year 11 Agriculture Farm Case Study

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On Monday Year 11 Agriculture students went to Tocal College for their Farm Case Study on the Dairy.  Students were able to talk with the Dairy Farm manager, Matt Brett, about agribusiness and farm management practices.  They were also fortunate enough to meet Agronomist, Carol Rose, who discusses soil and pasture health and its importance to the farm system.

A big thank you to Matt, Carol and as always our guide Sandy, for and amazing day!

Catholic Schools NSW – Golf Selections

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Congratulations to the following students on their selection to trial for Catholic Schools NSW Golf team: Blake C of Year 8, Kiara CJ of year 10, and Ryan C of year 12.

These students will play at Belmont Golf Club on Monday the 11th of March in anticipation for place on the Catholic School NSW golf team.

Best of luck to you all.

Girls Touch Football

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Congratulations to our Open and Under 15 girls Touch Football teams for their effort and sportsmanship, last Monday down at Nolan’s reserve.  Celebrating your efforts and commitment you all put into each game can be just as important as winning.  It shows resilience and dedication, which are valuable qualities both on and off the field.  That’s a great attitude to have!

Joining the girls on the day were some of our Open and Under 15 boys, who came along for Broken Bay selection trials due to their day being cancelled.  It takes courage to put yourself out there and try for selection not alongside your teammates.  Whether they make it or not, the experience of putting in the effort and striving for a goal is invaluable.  We wish all the best of luck with team announcements.