

Student helpers – St Mary’s Swimming Carnival

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On Monday the 12th of February, 22 of our students from Year 8 to 10 attended the St Mary’s Swimming carnival as student helpers.  Our students always look forward to these days and enjoy heading back to their former primary school.  We received this lovely email from Miss Dawson about our students.

“All students who came along were helpful, respectful and outstanding role models.  The students are a credit to St Brigid’s and their families.  We are also a little proud to see these beautiful past St Mary’s students coming back and being so willing to assist with whatever was required.”

We enjoy nothing more than helping our local primary school and love hearing great feedback.

We hope to be able to continue this relationship for many years to come.

Ash Wednesday Mass

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Last Wednesday our College came together to partake in Ash Wednesday.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent where we receive ashes on our forehead as a sign of our mortality and reflection.  It marks a period of fasting until Easter and a time of giving and prayer.

Alumni Success

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We love hearing from our past students and sharing in their success after life at the College.

We recently heard from Natasha Hawkshaw who graduated at St Brigid’s in 2022.

Natasha was recently awarded a 2024 Ma & Morley Scholarship in the Ling Jun (continuing students’ category), which is the flagship scholarship at the University of Newcastle.

Natasha attended a two-day welcome program on campus where she met other scholars and found out more about the program and the journey ahead.

In further exciting news, Natasha was joined at the welcome lunch by our Founding Principal, Mrs Julie Terry.

Congratulations Natasha! We look forward to following you on your amazing journey. You are inspiring!

For more information about the Ma & Morley Scholarship please click on this link:

Thank you, Conor Ashleigh and Justin Worboys for the wonderful photos.

Friday House Challenge

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This week’s Friday House Challenge was one of skill and precision.  Students had to cut away slice by slice compressed flour with a ruler without having the mentos that was sitting on top roll away.

At the end of the challenge students had a dance off doing the “chicken dance”.

t was great seeing everyone get involved and having fun.

Lakes House took out the win.  Well done Lakes!

Message from the AP, Student Achievement

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A very warm welcome to all new students and families to the St Brigid’s community.  We are also very excited to welcome our new cohort of Year 7 students and have enjoyed the first few weeks getting to know them.  They are settling into the flow of what it is to be a high school student and we have been proud of both their resilience and courage as they learn the new routines.  This cohort of Year 7s will be the class of 2030!  When you look at the year 2030, it feels so far away but on reflection I know these years go by quickly!  We are very excited to see what these students will achieve over the next 6 years.

As with all cohorts, it is important to start the year with high expectations and create consistently challenging lessons for our students so they can be the very best people they can be.  Our teachers will always work closely with the students, promoting a culture of clear class routines that aim to build capacity, provide a safe environment, and foster the student’s love of learning and care for others.

Like last year our students will continue to use Canvas and Compass to manage their learning, communicate with families and support assessment and reporting.  Canvas continues to be our Learning Management System that supports students’ learning in the class alongside the student workbooks.  We believe it is important that the students share with their families what they are learning and how they are learning in each of their subjects.  Please encourage your children to share their learning with you.  As we continue to grow as a school, we believe it is crucial to ensure the connection and partnership with the community and our parents is strong.  Parent and family engagement with us is integral to supporting student learning and achievement, and promoting positive wellbeing and confidence in our students. Please reach out to the Mentor teachers and class teachers should you have any questions.

Alex Walters

Assistant Principal, Student Achievement 

Opening School Mass

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Our opening school mass is both a fitting celebration of the feast of St Brigid and the welcoming of our new staff and students.  This year we were fortunate to hold our Mass at the Church at St Brendan’s and with Father Tomy.

The Opening Mass traditionally celebrates our new students in all year groups and also our staff.  Each new member of the community receives a badge to represent the importance of each of these people in our St Brigid’s community.

This is an important symbol of community, care and support as a member of St Brigid’s.

Shrove Tuesday – February 13

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Why do we eat Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday?

Shrove Tuesday is the last day before we enter into the time of Lent.  Lent is for fasting and purifying ourselves, so Shrove Tuesday is the last opportunity for a little indulgence.

On Tuesday 13 February our students will enjoy pancakes they have ordered, and we remember, for Lent at St Brigid’s we are not giving things up, but we are taking on the responsibility of Stewardship and focusing on keeping the Learning Spaces and Playground clear and clean.

Reminder – College Open Day

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Are you or someone you know looking to enrol a student at St Brigid’s Catholic College?
Our Open Day will be held Tuesday, March 12 between 9am – 12pm.
Call in, enjoy a coffee and a tour of the College with our Senior students, followed by morning tea and an opportunity to chat with our Leadership Team.

Please register for the Open Day by completing the form here.

We are currently taking enrolments across all years for 2025.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact our administration staff on (02) 7256 2122.

SPECIAL REPORT: The Wellbeing Barometer 2024

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The Wellbeing Barometer survey has proven to be an invaluable tool for schools, providing insights into the state of youth mental health and wellbeing. Whilst last year’s results focussed the spotlight on areas of concern, there were also many highlights that demonstrated the resilience and adaptability of students and emphasised the necessity of prevention strategies.

Participating in this year’s survey, will assist in identifying areas of strength and concern, as well as pinpointing opportunities for early intervention. Previously gathered information has helped support families as they navigate difficult conversations that enable understanding and foster connections to build relationships.

This survey is part of an ongoing, longitudinal study, with the results being instrumental in tailoring support for students and their families. Participation is strongly encouraged, as it provides a comprehensive view of students’ experiences, challenges, and achievements over the past year. Its aim is to capture a comprehensive picture of young people’s lives, allowing for a tailored approach to enhance mental and emotional wellbeing.

We encourage you to take a few moments to complete a survey for each of your children. This will help us determine the nature and extent of your concerns and how best to support families in the months ahead. Responses remain anonymous and will only be reported on an aggregated basis. You are asked to base your responses on observations made in the last 12 months.

Acquiring the skills for future independence, taking healthy risks, and giving young people the opportunity to emancipate from parents, are key developmental tasks that are essential if we are to stave off the impact of mental illness in the future. Please reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you or your child, please reach out to the school or seek professional medical advice.

Here is the link to your special report