

SPECIAL REPORT: Gambling & Young People

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The digital era has made gambling more accessible, and certain factors are elevating the risk of problematic gambling among young people.  A new grey area is emerging, with smartphones at their fingertips blurring the boundaries between gambling and entertainment, especially within the realms of video games and social media.  The current generation of young people are growing up in an unprecedented time and research highlights that a significant percentage of adolescents are involved in gambling activities.

Reports of young people gambling are frequent with many experiencing adverse consequences such as diminished academic performance and strained relationships. Today’s youth are growing up in a digital age characterised by constant connectivity, and the gambling industry has evolved significantly during their formative years. Simulated gambling, such as in video games, can further increase the likelihood of teenagers transitioning to real-money gambling and developing future gambling-related problems.

It’s crucial to foster open discussions about positive media choices to help children navigate through responsible online gaming and gambling.  By encouraging a balanced approach to screen time and promoting alternative activities, will help set some clear boundaries to avoid potential gambling-related issues.

This Special Report provides guidance on how to empower young people to make responsible choices in this digital age.  We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please consider seeking medical or professional help.

Here is the link to your special report

Christmas Fete – Connecting Catholic Coasties

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Every year, at Christmas time, ‘Connecting Catholic Coasties’ hold a Christmas Fete & Celebrations! This year, it will be held at Mackillop Catholic College, with all students invited from Years 7-12. There will be students attending from high schools all across our Diocese including St Peters, St Josephs, Mackillop and St Brigid’s.

Please read the information below and on the attached flyer. Then secure your spot via the Compass Event called “CHRISTMAS FETE- Connecting Catholic Coasties”.


When: Friday 24th November 4:30pm-7pm

Where: Mackillop Catholic College

Cost: $10 per student via Compass Event.

Food: Dinner & drinks are provided.

Bring your gold coins for the fete beforehand.


We are also running a toy drive for the Vinnies Christmas Appeal.

Limited spots are available so get in quick.

Inflame Fishing

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During Inflame students have been fishing at Chain Valley Bay south near the boat ramp in the middle of the day, which is the most difficult time to catch fish.  Despite this they caught Flathead, Bream and Tailor using both bait and lures.  They have caught fish on some strange lures that they bought online.

The students have been well behaved and been polite and friendly towards locals in the park.  The students love fishing and never want to leave at the end of the session.

Most of the students have excellent knowledge of fishing but help those who need to learn tips and tricks.

Jack Newton Junior Golf

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This week two of our students Kiara of Year 9 and Blake of Year 7 attended the Jack Newton Presentation Night for 2023 at Concord Golf Club. Kiara and Blake were among 21 outstanding junior golfers where they were recognised for their golfing achievements.

Kiara was named 2023 Most Improved Junior Girl. Kiara went from a double-digit handicap to a scratch handicap in the space of 3 months and qualified for scratch division of Fayde Junior Matchplay for the first time. Not only did Kiara qualify, but she also went on to record victories against some of the best junior girls in the state.

Blake received Straightest Driver Over all Junior Boys for 2023. Congratulation to Blake who will be representing NSW in QLD at the Greg Norman Championship after claiming the under 13 scratch vardon. We wish Blake all the very best for the upcoming tournament.

Stage 5 Inflame Arts and Crafts

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During Inflame for Term 4, a large number of students have been showing their artistic flare in arts and crafts.  Some prefer to sketch on personal drawing pads, others prefer to be more technical while using software and online tools to make graphical designs, while all enjoy a good colouring experience.

We even have an author currently creating one of their first stories! The many forms of expressions that have popped up in the arts and crafts space have both astounded us at the College and made us all the more prideful of our students’ abilities and interests.

Importance of a Growth Mindset – Assistant Principal

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A growth mindset is the belief that one’s abilities and intelligence can be developed through hard work, good strategies, and input from others.  It is the opposite of a fixed mindset, which is the belief that one’s abilities and intelligence are innate and cannot be changed.

As a parent you have a responsibility to promote a growth mindset in your children because it can have a powerful impact on their beliefs and achievements.  Here are some reasons why:

  • Promotes effort over innate ability: Praising children for working hard promotes a growth mindset, which sends a message that the child’s effort is what led them to success.  In contrast, praising kids for being smart promotes a fixed mindset, which sends a message that their accomplishments are trait-based and tied to something innate.
  • Encourages learning from mistakes: When parents talk positively about making mistakes, kids start to think of mistakes as a natural part of the learning process.  This can help children develop resilience and a willingness to take risks.
  • Increases motivation and achievement: When children learn that their brains physically change with effort, it leads to increased motivation and achievement.  They understand that they have control over growing their brains through the actions they take, which is empowering.
  • Leads to greater persistence: Children tend to be more persistent when their parents have a growth mindset.  They understand that challenges and failure framed as learning opportunities can help them become smarter, and that struggling and working on a challenge or setback is good for the brain’s neurological growth.
  • Improves learning outcomes: Research shows that a growth mindset furnishes many lifelong advantages, such as improving learning outcomes and offsetting stress.

To promote a growth mindset, parents can give process praise, talk about the brain, accept mistakes as learning opportunities, and understand the role of emotions in learning.

Here are some specific ways parents can instil a growth mindset:

  • Recognise your own mindset: Be mindful of your own thinking and of the messages you send with your words and actions.
  • Praise the process: Praising kids for working hard suggests that effort is what leads to success, while focusing on the process helps them see how their effort leads to success.
  • Model learning from failure: When parents talk positively about making mistakes, kids start to think of mistakes as a natural part of the learning process.
  • Encourage risk, failure, and learning from mistakes: Failure teaches resiliency, so it’s important to encourage children to take risks and learn from their mistakes.
  • Talk to youth about famous people’s failures: Sharing stories of famous people who failed before succeeding can help children understand that failure is a natural part of the learning process.
  • Encourage and model positive self-talk: Saying statements like “Mistakes help me learn better” and “I can always improve, so I’ll keep trying” can help children develop a growth mindset.

Overall, promoting a growth mindset can help children develop resilience, persistence, and a willingness to take risks, which can lead to greater achievement and success in life.

Variety – The Children’s Charity

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We would like to acknowledge the following students Hope, Cahill, Josh, Sam, Dom and Tali (former student) who on Saturday 28th October assisted with the Bunnings BBQ.  The students volunteered their time to assist with fundraising and supporting Variety – The Children’s Charity.

We thank you all for the time you spent helping out on the day.  Collectively they worked together well under pressure.