

St Brigid’s Angels – World Cup Event

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Last night the College held its first St Brigid’s Angels event.  It was an event for all girls of St Brigid’s and the significant women in their lives to come together to watch the Matildas play in the World Cup.

There were plenty of games, laughs, food and lots of fun had by all.

It was a great to see so many students and family members attend and we thank families for taking the time to attend.

We look forward to seeing everyone again at our next event.


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Last week our netball teams headed down to Pennant Hills for the annual Catholic Schools of Broken Bay gala day. We had a Year 7, Year 8, Year 9/10 and Year 11/12 team participating on the day. Our year 8 team were successful on making it to semi-finals this year.

Well done to all the girls on the day for their dedication and sportsmanship.

Thank you to Zali Mc of Year 9 for being our C badge umpire and refereeing all our Year 7 team games on the day. A big shout out to our staff who accompanied the teams and trained the girls leading up to the gala day. Thanks Mr Barnett, Ms Hill, Miss Ardern and Mrs Cannon.

World Youth Day

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Postcards from our St Brigid’s Students – World Youth Day 1 & 2

“Together we departed Sydney on Friday night, the first flight was to Dubai and took just over 14 hours. We landed in Dubai at 5am and were welcomed with a dark 38 degree morning. We then had a 5 hour layover in Dubai and soon boarded our second leg of flying which would see us land in warm 26 degree Venice at 3pm!

We were transferred to our hotel in Padua, just outside Venice. We settled in and went for a walk to explore the city, then we finished with a quick gelato stop with Bishop Anthony and a Spar Express shop before heading home for some decent sleep!

We woke up the next morning bright and early for breakfast, today we would visit the iconic Italian tourist destination Venice. We were welcomed with amazing views and a warm 29 degree day. Our day in Venice began with mass at St Marks Basilica the former political and religious centre of Venice.

From there onward we toured around the City of Venice with one of our highly knowledgeable guides.

We explored the history and amazing attractions of the lagoon surrounded city. After the tour concluded we finished our visit in Venice with a cool refreshing coke and some Margherita pizza which was delicious!

After our day in Venice we then returned to the city of Padua where we greeted another guide who showed us the beautiful city. We toured around the Padua University, the Cappella Degli Scrovegni and concluded our tour with a visit to St Anthony’s Basilica, where we viewed the holy relics of his jaw, teeth, tongue and vocal cords.

Our first night on the ground concluded with a dinner with all the Pilgrims travelling from the Diocese of Broken Bay. We then headed to bed and tomorrow will tackle Ravenna, Bologna and Florence!”

Day 6

“Today we had an early morning start, with a 6:45am breakfast and on the bus by 7:30am. We left Florence and headed to Siena for Mass at St Catherine’s Basilica.

After mass we walked high and low, through the streets of Siena in a walking guided tour. We then had some independent time, sat and had some delicious pizza, pasta, cheeses and salami for Lunch!

After visiting the Cathedral of Siena, we got back onto the bus and travelled down to Assisi. On arrival we visited the Basilica of St Mary of the Angels, where we discovered the history of St Francis.

As we settled down in our hotel, we played a couple games of Uno to finish off the day, right before moving to dinner.

Day 6 done, Bring on day 7!” – Holly R Year 11.

CCSP UPCOMING WEBINAR – Online Relationships and consent: Sending Nudes and Sexting

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As part of CCSP’s ongoing collaboration with eSafety the Term 3 parent education webinar Online relationships and consent: Sending nudes and sexting will be held on 15 August 2023.

This 30-minute webinar is designed for parents and carers of young people in secondary school.
It will cover:

  • the impact of sharing nude images without consent
  • practical suggestions for starting the chat about respectful relationships, consent and pressure to send nudes.
  • where to get support for a young person who has experienced abuse.
  • the impact of sharing nude images without consent


Date: Tuesday 15 August 7.30pm – 8.00pm

Isaiah R

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Congratulations to Isaiah R of Year 10, who last week represented the College at All Schools Cross Country.  Well done Isaiah on this achievement placing 23 over all in the 16 year boys at this level of competition.

We are very proud of you and how far your running is taking you.  Keep it up.

St Mary’s Student Helpers

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Last term 44 of our students represented the College at St Mary’s Catholic School Toukley athletics carnival, this is the largest number of students we have sent to assist on the day. Our students once again were amazing and went above and beyond in the rain, wind and freezing cold.

Our students ran the long jump events, moved around with year groups and staff from St Mary’s. Nothing was too much trouble for our students, and they did it all with a big smile. Thank to Ms Walters for assisting the students with long jump and overseeing the day.

The feedback from St Mary’s is overwhelming and a positive reflection of all our students. Well done to all our students who attended, keep doing the College proud.


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Enrolments at St Brigid’s have been steadily climbing to the point now where they are very strong.  There is fantastic interest from our local feeder schools as well as significant growth coming from the public system.


I probably spend more time than is healthy thinking about enrolments and how to grow them.  The reason being is that I know what healthy enrolment numbers can do for a school.  They lead to additional resources, increased teacher numbers, more subjects on offer, greater breadth to our co-curricular activities, increased security for staff, increased competition that drives higher standards, more opportunities for our students, etc, etc.


Having worked in a developing school before, I’m also acutely aware that booming enrolment numbers can be confronting for some members of our community who are concerned that the College could become so big that students get lost in the mix.  Whilst I understand those concerns, I can assure you that at St Brigid’s we will always work hard to ensure every child is known and their wellbeing remains at the front and centre of our mind.  The pastoral care at the College is an absolute strength of ours and must be maintained.


When I think about how schools grow, I’m conscious that enrolment numbers can be influenced by several factors.  There is leadership, the student experience, vision, school improvement, reputation, demographics, location, price, reputation, marketing, academic performance, wellbeing, catholicity, sporting opportunities, co-curricular activities, and the list goes on.


Clearly all of these factors can play their part in attracting more students to our College.  Having said that, there are two other factors that in my mind contribute most to a thriving and growing school.  They are parent satisfaction and the quality of our staff which are inextricably linked.


Word of mouth continues to be a major contributor to our growth.  Satisfied parents lead to strong retention, which leads to increased enrolments.  We are so grateful to have such a supportive group of parents in our community who value the College and the opportunities it provides your children.  By no means, are we a finished product, there is still lots of room for improvement, but I feel fortunate to be surrounded by a great parent body who are willing to genuinely engage with their child’s education and drive us to be the very best school we can be.


Secondly, our staff are clearly one of our finest advertisements.  I want to be clear that when I refer to staff I mean our entire staff (teachers, support staff, office staff, our general hand).  I have been fortunate to work with some outstanding people during my teaching career and this group is second to none.  They are invested in the profession, care deeply about your children, open to improvements, prepared to go the extra mile and are genuinely committed to this community.  I thank them sincerely for all that they do in helping to grow the College.


Growing schools experience growing pains.  We will be no different but trust in the fact that what ever challenges lie ahead, we are well equipped to deal with them and will always ensure that the students are at the centre of all decisions we make.


Paul Lynch

Assistant Principal