Our Year 10 and 8 students this term will be provided with the opportunity to choose courses to study next year. As teachers we know when students have some choice in their learning there is increased engagement and motivation in class, a sense of ownership in learning, students meaningfully connect their passions and love of a subject and they gain skills and knowledge that can go beyond the classroom.
Our Year 10 students attended the information session last week, and on Wednesday we completed the interviews with most families to discuss potential courses and pathways for their child. These opportunities provided valuable information and allowed us to answer questions and understand the students’ needs and support them as they choose their subjects for Stage 6. Continually building our connections and relationships with students, families and school allows us to holistically support the child and support them in their future endeavours with ultimate outcome of individual growth and success. Experience tells us that it is important for students to choose courses based on interest, motivation and ability first. Career choices post school will always be important, we know that students will have multiple jobs and/ or careers and may not choose to go to university or TAFE straight out of school so options here at the College are important. Our hope is that these choices give students knowledge and skills that will support potential pathway options post school, help them receive the Higher School Certificate and/or an ATAR that they are proud of.
We will hold our Year 9 2025 Electives evening on the 20th of August at 6pm. This is an important evening as we provide information about the subjects we offer at the College, where you can seek advice from teachers and Leaders of Learning and the importance of Stage 5 and the step up into Years 9 and 10. For Year 8 this will be the first time where they have a choice and say in two subjects they wish to study across both Years 9 and 10. At the end of Year 10 students will receive their first Record of School Achievement from NESA, the NSW Education and Standards Authority. This is an important certificate for students, and they need to ensure they understand both NESA’s expectations and ours. On the evening the students will also receive their web code and the information for electing courses. It will be important for both parents and students to attend.
We are excited about the subject selections and the choices that students will make over the coming term. Teachers are always excited to teach the elective courses, in addition to their classes and welcome the opportunity to have new students in their courses who have a passion and love for the subject!
Alex Walters
Assistant Principal, Student Achievement