New College Sports Shirt- Indigenous Design – Student Led
We are very excited to announce that the NEW College PDHPE Shirt will be available in the coming weeks and will replace the existing design for all future sales through Cowan and Lewis.
The new shirt was designed by a year 11 student, Isabella D.
“My design follows our journey throughout our schooling.
Pathways, twisting and turning, signify changes such as meeting new people, taking on new challenges and changing direction as we learn and grow. These pathways ultimately lead us back to our Ancestors, Elders, parents, and teachers who have protected us, supported us, and guided us, with dedication and wisdom, to achieve our goals.
The lakes and meandering rivers that surround us provide calm and inspire contemplation. They link us to the earth and remind us to respect the Traditional Owners of the land we occupy. Symbolising the ebbs and flows of education, they demonstrate resilience as they flow around obstacles and continue moving onwards.
Meeting places highlight the importance of community, friendships and collaboration and emphasise the need to remain grounded and connected to our faith throughout our educational journey.”
Isabella D
The College will still recognise the existing shirts; therefore, families do not need to purchase new shirts to adhere to the Uniform Guidelines.