Our core purpose here at St Brigid’s is teaching and learning. As a Catholic College, we lead this core purpose through the guise of a Religious, Catholic, perspective. When we learn, we gain understanding, and through understanding we gain respect for the subject. In teaching terms, we call that respect, passion. Passion means that one wants to be involved, wants to gain deeper knowledge, and understands the value in what is happening in that spear of knowledge.
Here at St Brigid’s, we want that passion to go well beyond the boundaries of the subjects that students study. We want them to enter into our grounds with a passion for being part of our culture. But passion is expressed through actions. We have many ways that we ask our students to express this passion. We want them to be part of our community. We want our students to have pride in who we are and who the are as individuals. But all that starts with the little things. Our passion comes out in the way we wear our uniform, the way we speak to our teachers, the way we behave in our classrooms and the way we engage with our classwork.
Parents and students talk about merits and demerits. They talk about rewards and punishments. I look at it differently. I look at it in regards to is there passion developing or is there a decreasing passion towards the college? I ask parents to look at their child’s Compass entries and either congratulate their child on their passion for their learning (which is developing their future prospects), or to question their child around maybe why there appears to be a bit of a decrease in passion towards their college and their learning.
Dr Ashley Sadler,
Assistant Principal Evangelisation and Catechesis