Inflame Surf Lifesaving Bronze and Surf Rescue Certificate
During Term 4 the students have taken part in a program run through INFLAME on Wednesday’s to gain these awards. The community partnership between St Brigid’s and The Lakes Beach Surf Club continues to reap mutually beneficial rewards that we expect will grow even stronger in the years ahead.
It’s wonderful to watch the students gain in confidence and skills (surf, first aid, radio communications) and teamwork over this period of time. After the completion of the assessment, our College Captain Ben presented the new recruits with their red and yellow patrol caps. Ben also achieved his training officer’s certificate.
A big thank you to Johnny, Gary, Leanne, Amy and Greg for all their support, time and knowledge preparing our students and to our very own Paul N for his time and support of this program. Current students Harmony F and Trinity F also assisted the group, providing additional water safety and encouragement. A real team effort!
We wish all the newest members of Lakes Surf SLSC all the best over the school holidays on patrol and we appreciate in advance the service you provide to the community. Well done!